
The Call

As the Church, we are called to preach the gospel and take care of the poor locally, nationally and globally. One of the ways we do that is by partnering with mission efforts around the world.


“Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city…” Raise the urgency of gospel missions to marginalized communities in global cities and chart a course for churches to respond.

Philippines - Summer 2023

This summer we have the opportunity to send our sister, Ellyn Lluch, to serve alongside a long-term Navigators team located in the Philippines. This Philippines team, serving in Cebu City, is made up of a husband-wife couple, who are at the very beginning stages of establishing a ministry at Cebu City’s university.

We hope to send Ellyn and a team to be an encouragement to the team that is there, trusting that the Lord will use the time to plant gospel seeds. Would you prayerfully consider being a part of our impact in the Philippines this Summer? To reach this goal, gifts of $75-$200 are needed, as well as several anchor gifts of $500 or more. All gifts are tax deductible. If you are able to give, please click the link below, and if you have any questions, please reach out to Ellyn directly at ellyn.lluch@navigators.org

Living Faith Bible Fellowship in Liberia

Liberia 2013 Missions Trip

Encourage our active missionaries

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