Our Values
Our primary values are the essentials that support and guide our efforts to fulfill our mission. These primary values are of great importance to the Lord and provide our fellowship with the spiritual integrity and authenticity Christ desires for his bride.
(Romans 11:36, 1 Corinthians 10:31)
We do everything for the glory of God with worship as our chief purpose. All our ministry is Godward and is done for him as the primary audience and aims to please him.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17, Hebrews 4:12)
We are a Bible-centered fellowship, and we want to be led and changed by the Holy Spirit through knowing, meditating on, and obeying the word of God. The Bible is our rule of life and ministry; all we are and do is guided and measured by the word.
(1 Corinthians 15:10, 58)
Because our mission is urgent, we work at it with all our hearts. Because we love the Lord so sincerely our work for Him is our joy and privilege.
Supporting Values
Our supporting values provide the atmosphere of our church as we worship, study and live out God’s word. It's these values that help us continue to do the wonderful work of the Lord’s purpose for us. If one asks, “can you describe Living Faith,” these supporting values should be the traits that come to mind.
Loving relationships and compassion for those inside and outside the fellowship is a hallmark trait of Living Faith.
By community we mean the members of our fellowship are joined together as an active and functional local body of Christ, doing things together, supporting each other in concrete and practical ways.
One of our greatest assets in God’s campaign to save the lost and build up the saved is the broader body of Christ, so we partner with other churches in Tampa and beyond in our pursuit of the gospel.
We aim to win Tampa for Christ! We want to see the Holy Spirit do a great gospel work in our city, and that begins with ministering lovingly in our immediate neighborhood and surrounding areas as we cast a gospel net around this city for Christ.
There are broader cultural forces that shape our lives and those we aim to reach with the gospel. We embrace many of these cultural forces in Christ-honoring ways, e.g. contemporary music for worship and the internet for ministry. However, we must engage our culture with open eyes so we can speak with biblical awareness about our society in our desire to live for God’s glory and reach others for the kingdom, and from there to have gospel-fueled impact on our culture.