Racial Justice

and Racial Reconciliation

Join us in standing up for justice.

We Are Committed to Racial Justice

As a minority led multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-generational, gospel-centered community we are committed to the pursuit of racial justice.
At Living Faith, we recognize the killing of Black people as a national crisis. As a collective community, we grieve, as God grieves, by the continued targeting, torturing and killing of Black men, women, boys and girls.
We recognize the ongoing issue of racism in America and around the world, and the fatal consequences that results.

A word from Pastor Darryl | You can't hide behind "orthodoxy"

A pastoral response in light of the recent killings of unarmed, non-threatening Black people in our country. As a church, we want to be able to speak to injustices biblically and compassionately.


In a commitment to be a part of the solution, we have developed resources as you navigate these times filled with so much volatility. Below you'll see a 4-part & Conversation on Mobilizing our church for gospel-rooted Racial Reconciliation & Racial Justice.