Mobilizing our church for gospel-rooted

Racial Reconciliation & Racial Justice

Join us every Wednesday at 12p & 7p (register below)

Where do we go from here?

Bible Study: Racial Reconciliation & Racial Justice

Register & join via Zoom Wed at 12pm

Register & join via Zoom Wed at 7pm

Watch via Youtube on Wed

Over the past several days, our Pastor has had several friends & colleagues ask how the church can respond to racial injustice in a way that really begins to change the narrative in the church and ultimately in our nation. To that end, we would like to invite anyone who wants to join our church's Weds Bible Study over the next several weeks as we prayerfully reflect on this. We will first consider an approach for our White brothers and sisters, and then consider an approach for Black and Brown followers of Christ. This assumes a discipleship commitment to Jesus Christ, but evangelistic considerations will also be offered.

You must Register to join via Zoom

If you don't wish to join via Zoom you can Watch Live via Youtube
Since we are opening this up to anyone who wants to come, and to help us manage security, we will require registration to attend the study & conversation; you'll receive an email with the link to the study. Below are the details

We are going to stream the study out to YouTube as well if you want to watch the study and not participate, you can watch at

I'm excited about addressing this with our church and want to encourage others to join the conversation. Please note this is a study and conversation, not a debate. If you want to challenge what we will teach, we can discuss a better forum for that.

Register & join via Zoom Wed at 12pm

Register & join via Zoom Wed at 7pm

Watch via Youtube on Wed

We exist to guide people to Christ so they will know him and be changed into his likeness.


Tampa’s urban community needs gospel-centered, culture-impacting, doctrine-teaching, life-transforming churches targeting the mis-churched, un-churched, and under-churched.