Rise a Saint

Summary of the Message
Confidence is essential to the Christian life and is fundamental to our spiritual growth. We need to be confident of who we are in Christ and able to develop that confidence by taking the necessary actions with the right mindset that moves us toward Christlikeness.
Key Sermon Points
1. See Your Confidence (verse 6)
By way of reminder, Paul tells us that we have received Christ into our lives and so his presence is with us both personally and corporately; we are never alone. Also, that presence is one of Lordship authority, so our allegiance and loyalty to Christ should determine all we do as we “continue to live in him.”
2. Secure Your Confidence: you have been planted in Christ (verse 7, "rooted in Christ")
We have been moved from unhealthy spiritual soil and placed in the secure soil of Christ, which is the soil of grace, and the soil of protection, and the soil of purpose. These provide the security and foundation for our living for Christ.
3. Strengthen Your Confidence (verse 7, "built up in Christ")
We discover that though God has secured us in the soil of Christ, we are called to participate in our growth and development. This prompts the “how” question which can be answered using Dallas Willard’s approach of Vision – Intention – Method. We need to see a vision of Christ that needs to come to life in our lives, followed by our good intention to become like him, which needs definite action to come about. We mentioned the importance of core values (longing for the character attributes of Chris) and vital actions (definite steps we need to take to in crucial moments).
Discussion Questions
  1. How would you describe your practical spiritual confidence?  Do you feel you can become and do what Christ is calling for in our life?
  2. In what definite ways do you see the vision for Christlikeness becoming a reality in your life? How do you see that in your workplace, school, or home?
  3. What are the crucial moments that threaten your growth? How do you lower the threat?
  4. In what areas in your life do you see the need for growth-oriented vital actions, and what actions do you need to take?
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