The Word of God is Our Heart Surgeon

Summary of the Message
The proper response to the warning passages we see in scripture is to make every effort to obtain the promises God has given us, and the way we do that is by grounding our confidence and hope in the word of God. But the word of God is more than something we merely reference or that we try to follow, it is the very power of God to change us into Christlikeness. 
Key Sermon Points
1. Preliminary point:
Saving faith is spiritual ambition as we "make every effort" to obtain the promises God has made to us. This is not works but the action that grace produces.
2. The word of God is more than words; it is spiritually alive and fully able to fulfill God's counter-cultural purposes in you.
Our God speaks and so we ought to be listening. His word is often spoken but his objective and authoritative word is scripture. Scripture is the source of all of God's expectations of us, but it is more than a reference; it is a profound source of transformative spiritual power. This power produced our salvation, and that same power can produce transformation in our hearts and lives.
3. The word of God is the Lord's scalpel, and it both examines and repairs your heart.
God's word is like a scalpel that penetrates the deepest and most inaccessible recesses of our hearts. His word not only exposes our attitudes and thoughts, but it also interprets them, indicating when they are right or wrong. More than that, the same word that exposes also heals, so we should strive to deeply internalize the word of God, it will certainly heal our souls and make us whole.
Discussion Questions
  1. How do you feel about the idea of "saving faith" being ambitious, and when it is genuine, it looks like the pursuit of a holy goal?
  2. Can you think of ways that our culture moves us in attractive directions that conflict with what God says? How can we be faithful in times like that?
  3. Are there things you want changed in your life, and you know the Lord wants changed, too, but they have not changed? What do we do when we don't see the change we want?
  4. Read James 1:22-24. How does this relate to the power of the word to change us? Discuss.
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