The Consecrated Life

Summary of the Message
God has been abundantly merciful to us through the grace he has extended to us by his Son. That mercy includes his justifying us when we were guilty, empowering us to be freed from bondage when we were sinful, and promising us that he will use all things in our lives as expressions of those abundant mercies. Therefore, let us consecrate our lives fully to him.
Key Sermon Points
1. Christians live within the mercies of God
God is rich in mercy. And God’s mercy has been lavished on his children in abundant ways. First, “he made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our transgressions.” Though we are completely guilty in our sin, we have been saved from the consequences and the power of sin because of God’s love. Though we often think about this doctrinally, it is important that we embrace God’s mercy personally. He has forgiven and saved me from my many sins, and I live my life experiencing the many mercies that flow out of his love for me.

2. Because of these mercies, Christians surrender themselves fully to God
The Bible shows us that it is important for those who have experienced the mercies of God and have been saved by his grace, to live lives worthy of that grace (Eph4:1, Col1:10). In Romans 12:1, Paul shows that our total surrender to God is what balances out the abundant mercies God has bestowed upon us. So, we willfully offer ourselves totally to God, even as recognize that such a living sacrifice will often prove costly to us. But because it pleases God, as his children, we are eager to do it. This sacrifice is how we see that our hearts are “logically” aligned with God’s hearts, such that is our true worship.
3. The scope of spiritual discernment is wide as the world
Since the Spirit searches all things, in our text Paul explains that "the person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things." In other words, the scope of spiritual discernment is not limited to what some would consider "spiritual things," but discernment interprets all things spiritually.
Discussion Questions
  1. Do you find it difficult to remember that because you are in Christ that every aspect of your life is an encounter with God's mercy? How can we remind ourselves of this and guard ourselves against unholy guilt and self-condemnation?
  2. Does thinking that you should "return" something to God for his grace and mercies conflict with your understanding of salvation by grace? Discuss.
  3. What blockers prevent us from sacrificing everything for Christ? How can we train ourselves to be more sacrificial?
  4. Make a list of the things you feel led to sacrifice to the Lord as you consecrate yourself to him. If you are comfortable, share some with others. Ask the Lord to strengthen you to make these sacrifices and to change your identity to not include these things.
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