Sing a Song

Summary of the Message
Even as our dark night experiences are emotionally straining, by his word Christ shows us that our weakness has an important theological purpose: to showcase his strength in our weakness. When we internalize this word from Christ, our souls are not only healed in our troubles, but we are brought to praise. Our lament is transformed into hymns of rejoicing.
Key Sermon Points
1. Spiritual growth brings with it spiritual risk (context preceding v.7)
Because he experienced “surpassingly great revelations” from God Paul was at risk of spiritual pride. God takes notice and works to ensure that he does not wreck his faith because of the special favor God gave him. Our redeemed souls have the capacity to drift away from God even when everything is going extremely well spiritually.

2. The Lord is radically committed to his purposes in our lives even when they dramatically clash with our good expectations (v.7)
God gave Paul a very difficult experience, knowing that experience would both wound him deeply and draw him close. These experiences are very hurtful, and though they are truly “evil” in themselves, they are gifts of grace from the Lord.

3. God has a surprising liberating word for our desperate struggle (v.8-9a)
Even as Paul shows us how much the thorn hurt him deeply, Christ reveals his purposes beyond Paul’s circumstances. Further, Jesus’ words shows us that since the strength he provides is ground in our weakness, our circumstance may not change. But his presence and power sustains us there.

4. We are now able to sing, not because of circumstantial healing, but spiritual healing (v.9b-10)
Paul has an emotional response to Jesus’ words that indicate the healing of his soul and the freedom he now enjoys because of this greater grace in Christ. This points us to our calling as healed witnesses in a broken world.
Discussion Questions
  1. Begin with some honesty: are you encouraged or discouraged by Paul’s testimony? Why?
  2. How can we improve our hearing Christ’s teaching about what it means to follow him?
  3. Discuss how our witness as those who have been spiritually healed can reach our culture.
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