Grace in the Night

Summary of the Message
Our difficult and challenging experiences are often referred to as a "dark night" when the effect of them leads to discouragement and places our faith at risk. Even though there is real spiritual peril in the dark night experience, we are usually led into them by God for our spiritual growth. So then, dark nights are actually grace in disguise, and God's word exhorts us to rejoice in the spiritual benefit that difficulty produces in us.
Key Sermon Points
1. Gospel Principle #1: Weak vessels are necessary for divine strength (v.7)
We have the treasure of the gospel, which is the knowledge of God we have gained in Christ, in what Paul calls "jars of clay." The great life we have in our salvation is actually lived within human weakness and trying circumstances, which are often referred to as the dark night. but that dark night is the environment needed for receiving divine power. That weakness is proof that our enduring faith is not because of our strength, but God's.

2. Gospel Principle #2: There is real danger in the wilderness (v.8-9)
Our weakness exposes us to real danger, and in scripture, the wilderness is described as a dangerous place that God leads us into for our testing and growth. In the wilderness, we discover our need for God and we recognize that unless God delivers us, we will die in the wilderness. Yet, God's aim is to spiritually strengthen us there, he teaches us to rely utterly on him, and we come through it with a greater intimacy with him.

3. Our Gospel Take-Away: Don't regret, resent, or retreat in the dark night, but rejoice!
Because of God's purpose in the dark night, in the wilderness, we arrive at a place where we can rejoice. Not because of the pain, but because of the promise of what God is doing through it. And we know the Spirit of God is committed to bringing us to this new level of maturity and rejoicing in Christ.
Discussion Questions
  1. Reflect on your dark night experiences and how you discovered your own utter weakness there? In what ways did you find God's strength?
  2. The dark night presents a hard truth. How can we remind ourselves of its ultimate benefits given our natural, created desires for comfort and avoidance of trouble?
  3. Knowing God's purposes in dark nights, how ought we pray for one another?
  4. How can God's purposes in the dark night help us as we evangelize and disciple others?
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